On some blogs that I follow they do a "Wordless Wednesday", I wanted to do the same concept just a different day, so I thought I would do "Sweet Sundays" instead. I love Sundays!! Sunday is our official family day. We almost always start our Sundays at church and then we'll go out to lunch or make something ymmy at home and then normally the rest of the day is just good ol' quality time together! So I thought it would be a good day to share a little something that's on my mind or in my heart.

This was taken a few weeks ago at my cousin's graduation from UNCW. We only got to see Jonathan, my brother for a few hours. I miss being able to spend time with him and his girls!! Joe and Jonathan have such a good time together! What a blessing family is!!!
I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! YAY FOR THE BOYS! It was sooooo Great to see all of you there at Graduation!!! YAY!!! LOVE YOU ALL! PS Great job on these blogs you are just the cutest!