Thursday, January 3, 2013


2012 was an amazing year for our little family.  I can clearly remember sitting on the sofa at the beginning of January last year and telling Joe that this was going to be the year we “did something” about expanding our family.  Of course our good Lord already knew that 2012 would be the year to do that, but He doesn’t always share His plans with us in advance. 

So much happened last year and I can’t say I did the best job of documenting it here on the blog.  I know that life with a baby will only get crazier as Isaac grows so I want to make a goal of documenting his first year with weekly portraits.  He will only grow up once.  He will only have his “first” once.  So I don’t want life to get in my way of remembering those moments.  The pictures may be from my phone, instagram or my actual DSR but  there will be some sort of documentation of our week.

So I’m putting it out there…  I will post 1 picture of that sweet boy once a week for the next 52 weeks.  I hope you’ll enjoy the journey with me and keep me accountable if I slip up and miss a week.

Project 52

5 weeks old – 1/1/12

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