Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Den

Back to our previously scheduled program - the Tour of the House - before and after. We've moved into the den, which used to be the master bedroom. The previous owner used it as the master as well. It's a nice sized room with 2 closets. So I know you are wondering why on earth would I give up a his and hers closet for the den. Well we didn't exactly give up the closet. My clothes still live in the den and Joe has the closest in our room. We used the 2nd closet to actually house the TV. That way it doesn't take up any floor space in the actual room.

We are loving having the den in here. This is the room we spend most of our time in.

So moving on to the reveal, here's the previous owners' space:

And the now:

This is pretty much the same angle as the first picture. I LOVE the color in this room. It's called "Midnight Pool." It creates a very cozy feel and it really pulls the color out of the art work and the sofa.

Isn't the "8 ball" lamp fun! Another gift from a friend - hey what can I say - I have the best friends!! Speaking of, have you gotten any great gifts from friends you would like to brag about?? We would love to hear about them.

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